List of products by brand Nino Negri

The history of the winery is long as a century, from generation to generation, it tells of a strong will and intuitions; the two things that gave to Nino Negri wines the opportunity to express their greatness.

The company's origins date back to 1897, when Nino Negri, a native of Aprica, following the marriage with Amelia Galli, decided to start in Chiuro the wine business.
In 1925, the company was registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Sondrio and two years later saw the entry of the child Carluccio, real architect of the development and qualitative growth of 'Nino Negri'.
In 1946 was created the sole proprietorship Nino Negri Carlo Negri having as its purpose: 'the trade of wines and grapes and wineries in Chiuro Moniga'.
In 1958, the name was again changed in Casa Vinicola Nino Negri Carlo Negri. The Company located in Chiuro passed by 5-6 employees in the period before the war to more than thirty, to which were added the many seasonal workers during harvest.

At the end of the sixties the company was sold to the Swiss company Winefood.

The new structure, however, would not have coincided with a period of prosperity for the company and in 1986 the Winefood decided to transfer the Casa Vinicola Nino Negri SPA to the  Gruppo Italiano Vini Scarl, a cooperative formed by the merger of the wineries that had been owned by the Swiss group.

In 1980 the company absorbed the Pelizzatti and in 1992 absorbed the Valtellina Enologica and the main aim og the company was focusing strongly on a production of Valtellina wines with strong quality.

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